PLASTINDIA 2021(Postponed to 2022)
17 - 21 FEB. 2022

PLASTINDIA 2021(Postponed to 2022)

Информация о выставке

Дата : 17 - 21 FEB. 2022
Место нахождения : New Delhi, India
Exhibition Organizer :
Total Exibition Area :
Total Number of Visitors :
Total Exhibitor :
Taiwan Exhibitors :
Официальный веб-сайт : Link

Обзор выставки

PLASTINDIA series of exhibitions under the aegis of Plastindia Foundation stays as a permanent date in corporate calendars across the world, providing investors and industrialists with a compelling doorway to global markets of commerce and success.

10 exhibitions old, today, PLASTINDIA has grown into a global experience, covering the entire gamut of plastics producers, processors and users of plastics, and it witnesses intense participation by both Indian and International Plastics Fraternity.

The PLASTINDIA editions have transformed marketing opportunities into convincing sales potential, and have empowered businesses, big and small, with the stamina to compete during tough economic times.

Held every three years PLASTINDIA exhibitions have emerged as a grand vehicle for featuring products and services related to plastics and plastic manufacturing. They are arguably the most significant Plastics related events that highlight opportunities in developing nations and continue to carry the baton forward. Plastindia’ s massive exhibitions demonstrate the latest in technology, Innovation, Processes, Products, responsible plastics and waste management, recycling and other related aspects of plastics.


The coronavirus epidemic affects global exhibitions,the following PRM-TAIWAN will continue to update global exhibition trends for you.

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